Medication Forms

If your child requires or MAY require medication while at camp, complete the required forms below and submit them at least two weeks before camp to the family portal.

Medication Authorization Form

Your child's physician must complete this form if your child will or may need to take ANY type of medication (including over-the-counter) while at camp.

The following forms are also needed if your child has these conditions:

Asthma Action Plan

Your child's physician must complete this form if your child will or may need an inhaler or other asthma-related treatment while at camp.

Allergy Action Plan

Your child's physician must complete this form if your child will or may need an emergency epinephrine auto-injector, Benadryl, or other potential medical response to an allergic reaction while at camp.

Seizure Action Plan

Your child's physician must complete this form if your child has a history of seizures and may require emergency attention should one occur while at camp.

I belong here...
“This is my wonderland. I belong here.”
- Mila
"As a mom and an educator, I cannot recommend Lure of the Wild enough!"
- Maura Kennedy
New adventures!
"Everyday is a new adventure with lots of stories being told around the dinner table at night."
- Michael Crabb
Loved it!
"...he absolutely loved it."
-Sara Tan
Can't wait!
"My daughter can't wait to come back!"
-Tonya Smith
"I just petted a baby salamander!!!"
- Henry
"Camp is awesome. I'm coming back next year!"
There's No App...
"There's no app for this."
-Elise Smithmyer, LCWA